
Spot-on Diagnosis

a comment by usmco311 on yglesias's blog:

I think we have the most dangerous man ever to occupy the White House. He is willing to kill and torture to "save face." This is not normal. This is not moral. This is sadistic. He does not seem to be mentally stable. He may be teetering on the edge of psychosis. This needs to be taken seriously. Someone in the inner sanctum of Republican power, perhaps the "elder statesman," needs to pursue this. It must be done, and in a discreet way so as not to precipitate the horrible ultimate "incident." Like talking someone in off of a ledge. Maybe it's already being done – I hope so.

We have seen a president who has left torture and death and destruction in his wake. A path he had chosen when more benign options were available. We've seen him frolic and laugh about WMDs while Americans and Iraqis were being maimed and killed at that moment. We've heard him use inappropriate statements and slogans unbecoming the President of the United States. We've gotten some laughs from his mangled language and syntax, while the mangled bodies were piling up. I don't laugh at his tortured language anymore, because I realize the way he speaks is the way he thinks - gibberish that's twisted and nonsensical and meaningless.

He patronizes, ridicules and sneers at anyone who has the temerity to ask for an explanation for anything he does. He refuses to properly honor those he has sent to their deaths. Not one funeral attended. Coffins brought in under the cover of darkness to hide his shameful acts. This is not normal behavior. This is callous. This is a sense of divine entitlement. His behavior is dangerous for us and for the world.

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