

i just turned the television off in absolute disgust after watching the worst case of partisan hackery in recent memory. sean hannity and ann coulter on hannity and colmes (fox news, of course) called repeatedly for democrats and liberals to "apologize to the country" for saying bush was wrong to go to war. the reason? because 500 canisters of sarin and mustard gas have been discovered in iraq since 2003. 500 decrepit, degraded, abandoned (from the mouth of bush's own weapons inspection team) chemical munitions from iraq's 1991 stockpile have been found (and dismissed as inconsequential). and these neo-con assholes on fox news are actually using this as a basis of argument to support bush's decision to go to war?! because of weapons that saddam probably forgot about or lost?! they are trying to get bush off on a fucking technicality?! they are peddling this bullshit as if it's some reason, some glorious, shining validation of why 2,500 americans and countless iraqi civilians have died?! un-fucking-believable.


Anonymous said...

wow - all these posts! did you get into the espresso beans and eat a handful?

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.