

it's been another fabulous day in los angeles. i spent the day checking box office figures on movies from ishtar to american graffiti (see graffiti, not ishtar). every site i went to had different figures for each movie, because that's a rational thing to happen in a world. so i had to spend the day sorting all that out.

this site was recommended to me by a friend, and it's pretty freakin' awesome. almost like a music tivo in that it predicts songs that you may like based on artists you add. check it out, it's a good way to find new music.

looks like i'll be heading back to fresno this coming weekend. i'm praying for a cold spell, but i know it'll probably be in the upper 90s at best. that's why i'll have to drown myself in cold, cold beer the whole time.

update: well, i just checked the weather forecast for fresno. friday...106 degrees. 106...degrees...fahrenheit. why?! @%^$%^@$@!^.

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