
I Blink, They Sleep

discover the blink/sleep dynamic and how it involves bush, america, and the rest of world.

discover dubya's need to constantly self-assure himself of his stature.

these are examples of bushisms, which, if you take some time to sift through that site, are extremely repetitive. from i heart huckabees, here is an explanation for repetitive behavior:

-why do you think that you tell the mayo story so much?
-i don't know. why?

-it's propaganda.
-for mayonnaise?

-for you. specifically, you're so impressive because you know shania. and you're so strong, because you pull one on her.
-you're a funny guy, a good guy.
-keeping everyone laughing...so that maybe, quote, you don't get depressed.
-well, what's so great about depression?
-nothing. unless it holds the key...to something you compulsively avoid...so it will never be examined or felt...hence your behavior becomes repetitive, like the story.

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