
Aww, Thanks

unbelievable, dude.

hey, why don't you...i don't know...stop building walmarts? i think that may help the average small business out a little. like walmart gives a shit about them. all the pr in the world isn't going to convince me that walmart is anything but another corporation filled with corporate assholes with nothing but global conquest on their corporate little minds.


Anonymous said...

getting a little testy here? that's probably a good thing considering all the apathy displayed by the 'silent majority'. keep it up. you should consider an economics or poli sci class

crediblering said...

those are the hard classes...i'll stick with theatrical film symposium and classic rock

Anonymous said...

yeah, poly sci 143...russian politics...right up there with swallowing razor blades

Anonymous said...

but thinking is fun

crediblering said...

i like thinking about stuff that doesn't suck...