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not much new to report. i pretty much wasted away a 4-day weekend. but that's typical. and it's my last semester. fortunately, monday was a holiday, so i didn't have to go to my two big classes. i still have a bit of work ahead of myself tonight for profile writing tomorrow.

i was walking around campus and heard a guy talking. he was saying something about "choosing between good and evil, between god and...not god." why is it that "not god" is equated with evil? i've gone with "not god" pretty much my entire life, and i don't consider myself evil. i'm not killing, raping, vandalizing, or loitering. good and evil, i understand. light and dark, that's getting a little shaky. god and godless? some of the worst people in the history of this world have been the most religiously fervent zealots. and it's becoming more difficult for me to find the correlation between religiosity and morality, just as it is difficult for me to see a link between secularism and immorality.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

blogs like this remind me just why we are friends