

well, here i am in lovely fresno with a nasty head cold while my girlfriend sits in an expansive and frigid london airport where i wish i could be despite my warm waiting bed, and all i can think about is some cockney wanker chumming up with phrases like bloody 'ell and it's a right shithole that is, and the thing is, i'm not the jealous type, and don't get me wrong, i love a few weeks off from thinking and being around lots of people and other social interactions that result in nothing more than, to quote baumbach, conversational blueballs, but i can't help thinking that if i were in london right now i'd be eating terrible food and drinking decent beer and galavanting about with a clear head and only a bit of a runny nose, and despite the cold and the exhaustion and the locals giving us the fuck off tourist stare, i'd be doing something that i'd never done before and i could be proud of that even if my bank account was empty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, fellow. there is always a solution...after all what better time to make a gloriously impulsive trip than your final semester, just in time for the new year? we have plenty of space.... )

and i say so for the sake of expanding your horizons and not because i miss you rather madly or any of that, because that would be just silly, right? i say that because...well alright, fine. it might be that.

feel better*