

waaaah! i'm so sorry i haven't been posting. i'm lazy. i'm stupid. i'm not worthy. wait a second. why am i apologizing? you guys should be happy with what you get. damn! alright. so here's the deal. i have two major projects in the works, and they are both weighing heavily on my creativity stores. i'm going to try to set aside some time every now and then for a little blogger release, but i can't promise anything. so relax.

i'm working on the physics newsletter again. very excited. actually, the issue is almost done. i have one or two more stories to write up and a little layout adjusting and it should be good to go.

the steel strings on winter are still painful. owie. i'm thinking i'll be spending a little more time on sera's slinky strings. so much easier on the ol' phalanges.

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