

i'm down to one more midterm. post classical american cinema. sweet. anyway, you all need to watch the game this weekend. usc v. notre dame. it will be a classic battle.

after the midterm i just took, black comedy, there was a little time before the screening of coming to america with eddie murphy. yea, can you believe they made us stay AFTER the midterm for a screening? that's just cruel. anyway, i was hanging out waiting for the movie to start, outside of norris. it's a cool area, you got a fountain, lots of trees, grass, whatnot. anyway, there were a couple of guys practicing their classical guitar, so i watched and listened to them for a while. it makes me realize how pathetic my guitar skills are, if you can even call them skills. these guys are flying up and down the fretboard and picking faster than my eyes can even follow. i guess you can never really appreciate what musicians do until you try to do it yourself. i can't even imagine how much time i'd have to put in to be half as good as them.

i'm just trying to learn sandman by metallica.


Anonymous said...

yea, and you're probably way better than I ever was.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and some day you'll be knocking off a 200 meter fly and one of the guys will be saying to the other, "Look at that! I can barely make it from one end of the pool to the other!"