
Uncouth Distraction

alright, so i was sitting there in the roundtable discussion room at Annenberg listening to the very prestigious Dan Gillmor discuss citizen journalism and the future of journalism in general. there were a fair amount of people in the room, students and faculty and the like. in my typical hang-back-in-the-shadows style, i was relaxing on the couches lining the walls of the room. two girls were sharing the couch with me, and there were others on several of the other couches, so i wasn't alone in my antisocial behavior.

anyway, this man, dressed in a nice shirt and tie, slacks, black shoes, the whole deal, comes in just before Dan starts his discussion. he sits down, pops open his soda, and starts slurping at it. i'm not kidding about this; every time he took a swig and put the can down, he let out an obnoxious belch that rumbled from the very depths of his gut to rupture noisily from his parted lips. the girls next to me kept shooting glances at him and shaking in silent giggles. oh, but that wasn't the end of it. oh no. he began shifting back and forth, readjusting, sighing and burping as he moved. then to top it off, he "stepped out" to take a phone call, but held the door halfway open so we could hear his labored muttering. thanks buddy. we need more people like you disrupting what was an otherwise illuminating lecture. next time your intestinal tract is doing a number on you because of the triple beef chili cheese dog you had for lunch, just do us all a favor and sit the round out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds very mature. Goes to show you can't polish a turd.