
How You Gonna Keep Me Down on the Farm?

well, i got a nice little tour of the l.a. times courtesy of my copy editing professor. yea, i'm definitely working there. it's going to happen. they have two weight rooms, a basketball court and a sound-proofed music practice room. they have a test kitchen in which they try out all their recipes for the food section...and then they give out the food to the employees. i might mention that they've done wine and whisky tasting in the past. i think i may be able to live in that building and never come out again.

i'm well on my way to collecting the complete
happy hollisters series. i loved those books as a kid and i'm glad i'll be able to have them for mine, if that ever ends up happening.

three more weeks of this madness and i'll be in relaxation mode for quite some time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe you can take Robert Scheer's place after Jonah Goldberg (Scheer's replacement for now) gets canned for being an idiot.