
Behold! My First Post That Starts With a "B"

i stayed up until five in the morning finishing those articles. actually, i finished two and was halfway through the third when i decided to collapse and sleep off the aftereffects of seven cups of coffee. then i revived myself at eleven to finish the bad boy off. a thoroughly productive night.

if my neighbor turns up dead, i'm going to to know who did it. i just walked by the apartment next to mine on the way back from the laundry room (i am in desperate need of clean socks and underwear) and i heard language that would make ozzy osbourne blush. and it was audible through the door. and our apartments have some pretty thick doors.

i have a good feeling about this weekend. i don't know why, i just do. alright, back to folding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope you ace them!! Did i hear you say you would be paid? Is this a 'clip'-worthy endeavor?