
smoke out

internet was down this morning at work. how do they expect me to get anything done without the occasional sudoku break to clear the mind? sheesh.

the girlfriend had a rude awakening this morning. a knock on the door, then a quick turn of the key before she could jump out of bed and get dressed, or even yell loudly enough to be heard. turns out the maintenance guys wanted to change the smoke detector. the landlord apparently left a message last night, but it wasn't received. seems a little rude, but all was sorted in the end.

been watching rescue me, the fx show about new york city firefighters. well, more about the carousing, booziness, and general mayhem of a few firefighters in particular. it's already shifting into nip/tuck territory, with the list of illogical and seemingly impossible events expanding exponentially each episode. oh well, it's pulp entertainment, and at the end of the day, i'm not looking for much of a strain on the old noggin.

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