
Senior Standards

ooh, it's getting close. the finish line is shimmering in the distance. final projects are starting to take form. here's what i have left, if i'm not forgetting anything:

1. rewrite of major profile of navy surgeon

2. feature story on sierra madre measure v

3. undetermined feature story

4. physics newsletter layout/design, 4-6 pages

5. guitar performance/written final

6. profile writing essay final

and that's it. i'll be done. incredible. a list of six things. i can't imagine how long that list must have been eight years ago. and i wonder how much of the information that passed through my mind as i worked my way through the seemingly neverending flood of assignments is still with me. well, i guess it's almost that time, to be overcome with nostalgia and commiserate with friends about how it all went by so fast.

man, remember when we...

doesn't it seem like it was just the other day when...

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