
Wind Clear

incredible. all the wind we've been having around here lately has cleared out the usual cloud of scummy crud that floods our skies. not only is the downtown skyline incredible sharp and defined, but the san gabriels behind the skyline clearly stand out. just a few days ago, there was only the faintest hint of the buildings downtown through the brown film of smog. i keep thinking i'm in seattle or vancouver or some northwestern city where rain keeps dust and grime banished to the street.

this article on larsen jensen is stress-inducing. he's in australia for the world championships at the moment. and for some reason, two college-educated people can't seem to figure out the time difference and schedule a simple 30 minute phone call. it's due thursday. as in tomorrow. as in i have to report and write it tonight. blimey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how did the telephone interviews go? besides Larsen's