here's the full story if you want to read it all. but let me just quote a few choice bits from the latest daily trojan opine.
Global warming activists are liberal people who support other liberal causes so that a once stand-alone issue blends with others, creating a big, steaming soy latte of metrosexual animal-rights environmentalism.
Attempting to convert guys to emotional beings, global warming pseudo-prophets have recruited liberals of all shades, stripes and polka dots who stand to advance their own agenda in the face of vanquished masculinity. Eco-Nazis, animal rights activists, ultra-feminists, chardonnay socialists, outright communists, John Lennon fans and Ralph Nader can now use global warming as an excuse to advocate the halting of macho activities.
So rather than fall victim to the omniscient oracles of the global warming apocalypse and mass emasculation, throw a piece of animal meat on the barbecue and fire up that sweet V-8 under your hood. A future of composting, puny cars and tofu is no future at all.
where to start? first of all, the author. any guesses to this guy's field of study at usc? yep, business administration and finance. just the kind of open-minded, issue-conscious epitome of a moral compass we need running our companies and handling our money. is it any fucking surprise that our government is full of assholes and liars and criminals? okay, i'm getting a little worked up. back to the basics of the article. so global warming activists also dress well and care about animals. what bastards. and their main goal is the emasculation of the male populace. right. and your main goal is acting like a jerkoff. okay, cheap shot. and your main goal is doing everything in your power to keep the global warming trend steaming ahead at full bore in the name of testosterone and big-balled manliness. and this name-slinging paragraph -- with eco-nazis and john lennon fans who are now using global warming to stop men from acting like ... well, machoistic douchewads -- is probably the most bigoted bit of writing since mein kampf. it's this kind of bullshit posturing, ego-stroking, chest-puffing, self-aggrandizing, autoerotic male mentality that forces men to start wars and refuse to admit defeat.
every single sentence in this long diatribe against common sense can be rewritten to apply to conservative masculinity. so conservative people don't support a number of conservative ideas? their issues don't "blend" with others to create a huge beer keg of right-to-life, gun-toting, so-called patriotism? And these conservative radicals aren't using religion and the american flag to stir up liberal-bashing sentiment in an attempt to advance their agenda of getting a long, thick stick jammed up the butt of every human on the planet? normally i'd simply laugh in the face of such hypocrisy. but believing that global warming is just an excuse to get men to act like pansies is a little scary. hell, it's more than a little scary. it's downright batshit crazy. this author is no longer based in reality. and in a few short months, he could be working for a fortune 500 company, working his way slowly up to a position of power, where he can continue to funnel his hate-mongering dogma into the too-often weak minds of the leaders of our nation in the form of campaign contributions and under-the-table bribery.
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