now, usually i don't remember my dreams. but i woke up this morning with one very clear in my mind. so i immediately jumped out of bed and madly typed it all down. despite how lengthy it is, i'm going to paste it here in the exact form in which i wrote it this morning. enjoy:
I'm in a car with Moorehead, and I think he's driving back from some huge party (don't ask me why I'm in a car with that fairy). Anyway, he pulls up to a red light, but he stops like 10 feet from the line. I look at him and say, "Pull up, jackass," and I wave my hand. And he just goes through the light. I yell, "What the fuck are you doing, I just said 'pull up' to the line!"
We start coming up to another red light and I say, "Do I need to tell you to stop and go every time we get to a light now?" totally joking around, and he just runs right through the light. At this point I'm screaming, "Are you fuckin' kidding me!" and right then a cop drives by with his lights on. I say to Moorehead, "You are so fuckin' lucky that cop didn't see you," and just then the cop skids to a stop and starts turning around in the median as we pass him.
I tell Moorehead, "Just pull off because he's going to get you anyway, and this way it will look like you are cooperating." Moorehead drives over the median into oncoming traffic, then off the other side into some little gated community type place. I'm going crazy, telling him to just park the fuckin' car, and he parks it all lopsided and crazy and shit. Then I look over at him, and he has a gun in his hand for some reason.
The cop comes up, opens the door and tells him to put his hands outside. He pulls Moorehead from the car, screaming, "You're dead, motherfucker!" I'm in the passenger seat with another gun that apparently is mine, so I place it on the seat so the cop can see it. He looks at it, then at me, and I say, "It's mine officer, totally legal and everything. I just thought you should know about it." He rubs his eyes and shakes his head and says, "I didn't see that, just put it away." So I put it in the glove compartment.
Then he's in the backseat, telling Moorehead to drive me home. Then he asks us if we've been drinking or smoking, which we actually haven't. Moorehead doesn't say a fucking word. Apparently he's gone mute. I say, "Not at all officer, I don't drink or smoke. I think Moorehead smokes cigarettes or something, don't you Moorehead?" and I look on the floor for a pack or a lighter or something to show the cop. And there's a little box with a pipe, a lighter and a baggie of weed, then another huge bag of weed on the floor.
In my head I'm thinking, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," so I keep the cop preoccupied until we get to my place. Then the cop gets out and is all excited because it's a dome house, and I'm almost to my front door when I realize I forget my gun in the glove compartment. My mom and dad are out in the yard and my mom is in a bathrobe for some reason. She follows me back to the car, asking me what I'm doing.
I don't want her to see the gun, so I'm trying to keep her from seeing the gun as I get it from the glove compartment while I'm also trying to keep the cop from seeing the weed on the floor of the car. I finally get the gun out and Moorehead and the cop take off, with the cop in the passenger seat, totally about to notice all the weed on the floor and bust Moorehead for sure.
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