a raindrop clung to a twig in the wind-whipped afternoon, then fell quickly to land on the back of my hand. it shimmered in the last fading light of the sun, dancing beams of light glowing like tiny pools of amber on my weathered skin. i pulled the zipper on my gray windbreaker higher and straightened the collar around the back of my neck. the high gray clouds showered a fine mist, like powdered sugar, down on the red brick pathway, tiny streams of rainwater gathering in the cracks and running off into the damp earth. my bike seat held a little puddle of water and i brushed it off quickly with my hand, the beads glistening as they fell on the green leaves and shiny stems of the flowers behind the bike stand. when i unclasped the lock, more rainwater poured out of the hollow cylinder. my hands and face were coated with a fine sheath of glimmering liquid. i pulled my bike from the black metal rack and climbed on, rolling a few feet and readjusting before cranking down on the pedals. i pulled out onto the main path and picked up speed quickly. after a few moments of cold wind ripping at my chest, i zipped my windbreaker up to my chin. the fine mist had transformed into a stinging sheet of piercing daggers, slanting directly into my eyes and turning my hands into raw, reddening claws. mud spun off of my tires, the pure, pristine rain mixing with the reddish-brown dirt on the ground to form the sludge that now pattered violently against my legs and back. my windbreaker was soaked, clinging to my skin uselessly, by the time i pulled up in front of my building. i peeled it off in the elevator, tossed it over the seat and stamped the water and mud off of my shoes. once inside, i rolled my bike out onto the balcony and fastened the lock through the frame and the back tire. in my room, i kicked off my shoes and tossed them next to my cluttered desk. my hands were shaking with numbness as i undid my belt and slid my drenched jeans to the floor, my thin ankle-socks pulled off in the process. next, my red t-shirt went over my head and fell into the crumpled pile of wet clothing. the bathroom lightswitch clicked upward with a efficient snap under my fingers and i closed and locked the door behind me. finally, i pulled off my last article of clothing, hunter-green boxers, and stood naked in the mirror, my red, icy hands and face standing out in my shivering reflection. i climbed into the small, glass-enclosed shower stall and cranked on the tap. it grew infinitesimally warmer as i cowered, waiting for that moment when i could push down the tiny plunger and let the life-giving warmth flow through my numbed and aching body.
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1 comment:
ooooh, you poor honeeeey!
{{{big hug}}}
(an attempt to get you to remember when you were younger and your mommy would say that to you and make you feel better)
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