
Thought Paradox

my roommate called me during work today and asked me if i would be kind enough to take a package of ground beef out of the freezer to thaw when i got back to the apartment, being as it were that he himself would not be home until and hour and a half after my arrival. i left the office at five and on my way out realized that i had almost forgot about the ground beef situation. i decided i would test myself on my ride back to the apartment to see if i could maintain mental control by continuously concentrating on the task at hand, namely removing the aforementioned beef from the freezer. as i was biking through campus, mentally chanting my mantra of 'ground beef, ground beef,' i became aware of the fact that my mind was also making a number of other calculations despite my concerted effort to keep ground beef in the forefront of my consciousness. observations and thoughts kept popping up in my mind, most noticeably when i saw a toddler fall to the ground, and then again when i swerved around an erratic blond woman who nearly smacked me with a flailing arm. then i began contemplating how amazing it was that my mind was making all these instantaneous calculations while still keeping the ground beef chant going. then i started contemplating about posting that contemplation on this blog. then i started contemplating about how i would write about how i was contemplating about posting this on my blog and how it was even more amazing that i was contemplating posting the fact that i was contemplating the fact that my mind was making such a multitude of rapid-fire calculations while still keeping up with the ground beef mantra. of course that carried my mind away into an intricate maze of contemplating contemplations of contemplations of contemplations of rapid-fire calculations and beef mantras. to say the least, i was thoroughly exhausted by the time i got through the front door of my apartment. i was so determined to get down every minute detail of my thought process on my trip home in a blog entry that i had already sat down at my computer and logged on to blogger before i remembered to take the ground beef out to defrost. i went into the kitchen and saw the package of ground beef sitting on the countertop, already removed from the freezer by my other roommate.

1 comment:

crediblering said...

is that the one with nicholas cage? because if so, then no i have not.