
Never Fear, Underdog is Here

there are so many people insisting that the trojans are going to lose to notre dame this weekend. i'm watching the notre dame pep rally that they had to move to the stadium just to have room for the 40,000 people that showed up. it's not even so much that it would suck if we lost, which it definitely would, but the fact that so many people are going to be happy and rubbing it in our faces. i think it's getting easier to root for the underdog than the favored team. i just want to make sure people realize that eventually, every team is going to lose. i've accepted that fact, and i've realized that people are going to be calling me and laughing. that's just going to show me who my true friends are.

this might be the best i have ever been prepared for a midterm in college. i'm actually making an outline of my notes with the main points and secondary points. it's scary. it's like i'm being responsible (shudder).

quote of the day: "for four-fifths of our history, our planet was populated by pond scum." -J. W. Schopf

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

losing sucks, but somebody has to do it. hopefully, not till next year or after you graduate.